1.0 Structure of Class Rules

1.1 The Class Rules consist of the following parts:

    1. - The Constitution
    2. - The Measurement Rules
    3. - The Championship Rules
    4. - The Championship Standard Sailing Instructions
    5. - Draft Contract with Championship Host Authority
    6. - Meetings Procedure Appendix

1.2 All parts of the Class Rules are available from the International Office on payment of the current price

1.3 The Measurement Rules are also published in the Measurement Book, issued to owners on registration of the yacht.


1.0 Name

1.1 The name of the Association shall be "THE INTERNATIONAL 505 CLASS YACHT RACING ASSOCIATION" ("International Association').

1.2 The International 505 Class dinghy ("505") was designed by John Westell in 1954.

2.0 Objects

2.1 The promotion and development of the International 505 Class ("the Class") throughout the world under uniform rules.

2.2 Co-operation with the International Sailing Federation ("ISAF") and other Yachting Associations.

2.3 Organization of International Championships for the Class and of other International events.

2.4 Control of the design and the registration of 505s.

2.5 Creation and maintenance of contact and friendship between members.

3.0 Class Insignia and Flag

3.1 The Insignia of the Class shall be the figures 505 Arranged 505

3.2 The flag of the Class consists of a blue rectangle with a yellow triangle superimposed on it whose base is formed by the hoist. The Class insignia is superimposed upon blue on the yellow triangle. A yellow duckling in the form of the insignia of the French Caneton Association is superimposed upon the resulting upper blue triangle. A yellow coronet in the form of the insignia of the Coronet dinghy designed by John Westell is superimposed in the resulting lower blue triangle.

4.0 Membership

4.1 Any person interested in the Class may apply for membership and when elected shall pay the subscription from time to time in force. Privileges of a Member are:

4.1.1 to be a Member of his National Association;

4.1.2 to hold any office and to attend International and National General Meetings;

4.1.3 to vote on all matters except those affecting this Constitution or the Measurement Rules and

4.1.4 to act as helmsman or crew in any race.

4.2 A Member who is an owner or part owner of a registered 505 shall be a "Boat-owning Member". Privileges, in addition to those of an ordinary Member are:

4.2.1 to be a Member of a fleet within the jurisdiction of the National Association of the country in which he resides.

4.2.2 to vote on all matters except that part owners of a boat may not cast more than one vote between them per boat on matters affecting this Constitution or the Measurement Rules.

Application for Membership.

4.3 Application shall be made in writing to the Secretary of the proposed member's National Association (or to the International Secretary if he has none) and such application shall state his name, address, and qualification for Membership, including the sail number of his boat, if applying for Boat owning Membership. The Secretary shall grant the application for Membership subject to ratification by the next meeting of the National Committee (or International Executive Committee ("IEC")). The appropriate Committee has absolute discretion to ratify or revoke the grant of Membership.

Cessation of Membership.

4.4 Membership may be determined as follows:

4.4.1 Notice may be given by a Member wishing to resign from membership at any time.

4.4.2 A Member's National Committee (or if he has none, the IEC), may at any time expel a member for cause, providing that before a resolution for expulsion of a Member is passed, notice of such resolution shall be given to him, and he shall be given the opportunity to appear before the relevant Committee to put his case.

4.4.3 A Member who has been expelled may appeal to the International Governing Committee ("IGC"), providing that he gives notice to the International Secretary and his National Secretary within 28 days of his expulsion.

4.4.4 If a Member has not paid his subscription within 6 months of it becoming due, his membership shall automatically cease.

Honorary Members

4.5 An Honorary Member may be elected by resolution at an International General Meeting. Such Honorary Member shall have the privileges accorded to a Member and if he is an owner or part owner of a registered 505, he shall have the privileges of a Boat-owning Member

5.0 National Associations


5.1 The owners of five or more registered 505s in a country, being a member nation of the IASF where there is no National Association, may apply to the International Association to form a National Association. The application shall be made in writing to the International Secretary stating the name of the President and the name and address of the Secretary of the proposed Association. The International Secretary shall place the application before the next meeting of the IEC which shall, in its discretion, grant or reject the application, subject to ratification by the IGC.


5.2 Membership of the International Association confers the automatic right to Membership of the Member's National Association.


5.3 A National Association in General Meeting, or by Postal Ballot of all its Members, may provide for or amend its own Constitution, except that such a National Constitution shall contain the following provisions which may not be amended without amendment of this Constitution:

5.3.1 a requirement to elect annually in General Meeting a National President and a National Secretary;

5.3.2 the provision in this Rule relating to the National Committee and its powers;

5.3.3 the calling of a General Meeting, at least once in every year:

5.3.4 a requirement for 14 days' written notice containing the Agenda of such Meeting to be given to all Members;

5.3.5 a requirement that the amount of the Subscription payable by Members and Boat-owning Members shall be determined by all Boat-owning Members at the Annual General Meeting or by postal ballot.

National Committee Membership

5.4 The National Committee of each Association shall consist of the National President, the National Secretary and the Fleet Captains within its jurisdiction, together with such other officers and members as its constitution may provide. The Committee may delegate Its powers to one of its members, or to a sub-committee of its members.

National Committee Powers and Duties

5.5 The National Committee has the following powers and duties:

5.5.1 collection and payment of subscriptions to the International Association:

5.5.2 collection and payment of royalties and registration fees to the International Association;

5.5.3 collection of subscriptions to the National Association;

5.5.4 appointment of Class Measurers, maintenance of measurement templates and passing measurement documents to the International Office for issue of measurement certificates,

5.5.5 organisation of ballots of the Members and reporting the results to the International Association;

5.5.6 matters relating to the Membership

5.5.7 formation and regulation of fleets within its jurisdiction;

5.5.8 management of the National Association subject to its Constitution.

Notifications and Annual Return

5.6 Every National Association shall make the following returns to the International Office;

5.6.1 within one month of the election of the National President and the National Secretary the names and addresses of these officers.

5.6.2 annually on the due dates the returns of information required in Rule A-14.3.

5.6.3 within one month of the National AGM the agenda and minutes, the results of the National Championship, a list of fleets, a copy of the annual accounts and a note of the national subscription, a list of measurers authorised by the National Association for ratification by the International Measurer a list of template sets and their custodians. Failure to make such a return may be treated by the International Association as grounds for reducing or denying an allocation of places at International Championships or for recommending dissolution to IGC.


5.7 A National Association may be dissolved by the IGC in the event of National Membership falling below five boat-owning Members.

6.0 Fleets


6.1 Five or more Members who are owners or five or more registered 505s, may apply to their National Association (or if they have none, to the International Association) to form a Fleet. The application shall be made in writing, to the Secretary of the appropriate Association, stating the proposed locality of the Fleet, the registered numbers of the 505s forming it and the names of their owners. The Secretary shall place the application before the next Meeting of the National Committee (or the IEC) who shall, in their discretion, grant or reject the application. The application must be refused, where the effect of its grant would be the formation of more than one fleet at a yacht club. The National Committee (or International Executive Committee where appropriate) may dissolve a fleet where the number of 505s owned by Boat-owning Members falls below five.

Fleet Meeting.

6.2 Members of the fleet shall hold a meeting once in each year, when they shall elect a Fleet Captain and such other Officers as they deem necessary. Not less than 14 days notice of the meeting shall be given in writing and notice of the election of the Fleet Captain shall be giver immediately to the Fleet's National Secretary (or International Secretary if there is none).

National Committee.

6.3 Fleet Captains, or their appointed deputies, shall be entitled to attend and vote at meetings of their National Committee.

7.0 Officers of the International Association


7.1 The officers, whose terms of office shall commence on 1 January, shall be:

7.1.1 an International President,
an International Vice President,
an International Secretary,
an International Treasurer, who shall reside in the same country as the International Secretary, and
a Chairman of the International Rules Committee.

7.1.2 All Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. The President and Vice President shall be elected in years of even number, the remaining officers in years of odd number.


7.2 Candidates for election shall be nominated in writing, by a National Association. Such nominations shall be received by the International Secretary not later than 31st July in the year of the election.

Election Procedure

7.3 If there is more than one candidate for any office, then the International Secretary shall cause a postal ballot to be held amongst all Members of the Association in accordance with Rule A-15.2 and the ballot shall close on 31st October. Notice of the ballot and the names of the candidates, shall be sent to all National Secretaries within one month of the close of nominations.

Casual Vacancies

    1. The IGC may appoint a Member to fill a casual vacancy until a new officer is elected in accordance with Rules A-7.2 and A-7.3 above.

Auditor's Duties

7.5 An Auditor shall be appointed by the Association at each Annual General Meeting and shall audit the annual accounts of the Association. The International Treasurer shall complete the draft accounts and arrange for these to be forwarded to the Auditor as soon as possible after the end of each year, together with any records and receipts requested by the Auditor. On completion of the Audit the International Secretary shall immediately send copies to all Members of the IGC and the National Secretaries. The Treasurer shall arrange for presentation of the audited accounts to the next Annual General Meeting of the International Association.

Honorary Officers

7.6 Honorary Officers of the Association may be elected at any International General Meeting upon nomination by a National Association.

8.0 International Office

8.1 The International Office shall be situated in the country where the International Secretary and International Treasurer reside.

9.0 International Committees

9.1 International Governing Committee ("IGC")

9.1.1 This Committee shall consist of the International Officers and a representative of each National Association.

9.2 International Executive Committee ("IEC")

9.2.1 This Committee shall consist of the five Officers elected or appointed in accordance with Rule 7.

9.2.2 Under delegated Authority from the IGC the IEC shall be responsible for the management of the International Office, the issue of sail numbers and the registration of boats.

9.2.3 Meetings shall be held upon giving of not less than seven days notice in writing.

9.2.4 The Committee may delegate its powers to any one or more of its members, or co-opt any other Member.

9.3 International Rules Sub Committee ("IRC")

9.3.1 This Sub Committee shall consist of the Chairman elected or appointed under Rule 7 and four other Members whose appointment shall be confirmed by the IGC.


10.0 International General Meetings

10.1 Procedure

10.1.1 An Annual General Meeting of the International Association shall be held each year at an important and representative series of International Races.

10.1.2 The venue shall be decided by the International Association at its previous Annual General Meeting, but in default the venue shall be determined by the International President in consultation with the IEC.

10.1.3 The International Secretary shall send written notice of the Meeting, together with the Agenda and a copy of the audited Accounts, to all National Secretaries and to individual Members in countries without a National Association not less than two months before the Meeting. National Secretaries shall cause copies of the notice, agenda and accounts to be sent to Members within their jurisdiction not less than one month before the meeting.

10.1.4 The meeting shall be open to the public unless the Members present decide to discuss a specific item in private.

10.1.5 The International Secretary shall establish by reference to the latest returns of Members' names from National Secretaries the eligibility of Members and Boat-owning Member to vote. He shall institute such means of identification of voting status as the International Governing Committee shall from time to time determine and use it to validate all votes taken at the meeting.

10.1.6 A Member wishing to attend and vote at an Annual General Meeting whose name does not appear, or is incorrectly classified, in the most recent national return of Members' names may do so on production of his current National Association membership card or of a letter confirming his membership from his national secretary and of payment of the appropriate subscription prior to the Meeting.

Decisions of the Meeting

10.2 Decisions shall be by a simple majority of Members attending and voting, except for those matters which the Constitution requires to be decided by Boat-owning Members only or by postal ballot.

Limitation of Authority

10.3 A General Meeting of the International Association shall not be competent to make alterations to the Constitution or the Measurement Rules, except that minor changes of the Measurement Rules may be made in accordance with Rule A-12.0


10.4 The International President shall be the Chairman of the Meeting. In his absence or at his request, the Chairman shall be appointed by the IGC.

11.0 Alterations of the Constitution

11.1 Proposals to alter the Constitution may be made:

11.1.1 by a majority of Members attending an International General Meeting, or

11.1.2 by two National Associations, or

11.1.3 by the International Rules Committee.

    1. Proposals shall be put to a postal ballot in accordance with Rule A-15.0. Proposals by two National Associations or by the International Rules Committee shall not be put to a postal ballot until debated by the Class at an International General Meeting.

11.3 No ballot may be held within three years of a previous ballot on the same or a substantially similar proposal, except with the approval of the IGC.


12.0 Alteration of Measurement Rules

12.1 Proposals to alter the Measurement Rules shall be made in accordance with Rule A-11.0

12.2 Minor changes and permitted Temporary Measurement Rules may also be made by an International Annual General Meeting of the Association provided that written notice containing the full text of the proposal is sent to all Members with the Agenda of the Meeting.

12.3 Minor changes are defined as those which clarify or prevent abuses of the Rules, or maintain their objects.

12.4 Temporary Rules made under the provisions of the Measurement Rules may be made or modified in accordance with the procedures for Minor changes, subject to any rules governing their duration.

13.0 Alterations of Other Rules

13.1 With the exception of Championship Rule C-5.6 which is subject to the provisions of Rule A-11.0, charges of the Championship Rules and Appendices shall be made in accordance with the procedure for minor rule changes in Rule A-12.2.

14.0 Funding of the International Association and Members' Obligations

14.1 Sources of Funds.

The International Association will be funded by

Financial Year

14.2 The International Association's financial year shall end on 31st December and National Associations shall pay subscriptions and make returns on this basis.


14.3.1 Members' subscriptions are payable to the International Association for each financial year

14.3.2 The amount of any change in the annual subscription shall be determined by IEC and ratified by Members at the Annual General Meeting.

14.3.3 National Associations shall act as agent for the International Association for the collection of subscriptions and shall return to the International Office by 30th September each year the subscriptions collected, together with a list of the name, address and 505 sail number (if any) of each Member for the year

14.3.4 Not later than one month prior to the Annual General Meeting each National Secretary shall send to the International Office an amending list of Members added to or deleted from the most recent annual list to whom the Notice and Agenda for the AGM has been sent.

15.0 Ballots

15.1 Ballots are required for the election of the International Officers under Rule A.7.3 and for changes to this Constitution and the Measurement Rules, except as provided by Rule A12.2, and to Championship Rule C-5.6.

Notice and Organisation of Ballot

15.2 Notice of the ballot to be held shall be sent by the International Secretary to all National Secretaries not less than two months before the date of the close of the ballot. National Secretaries shall organise the ballot within their jurisdiction at the expense of their National Association. The notice of the ballot shall state:

15.2.1 The matter to be determined,

15.2.2 Whether all Members or only Boat-owning Members (limited to one vote per boat) are entitled to vote

15.2.3 The date by which National Secretaries shall send ballot papers to their Members, which shall not be less than one month before the close of the ballot, and

15.2.4 The date of the close of the ballot.

The International Secretary shall send ballot papers to Members who do not belong to a National Association.

Return of Ballots

15.3 Ballot papers shall be returned by Members to their National Secretaries (or the International Secretary). The National Secretary shall record the way in which all the votes were cast, and shall send a copy of this record to the International Office not later than two weeks after the date fixed for the closing of the ballot.

Record of Results

15.4 The result of each National Association's ballot, and those ballot papers returned to the International Secretary by individual Members, shall be recorded by not less than two Members of the IEC. A Member of the IEC who is a candidate in an election to be determined by ballot shall not take part in the tabulation of the results. The votes cast in total and by each National Association shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Meetings of the International Association and sent to all National Secretaries. The National Secretaries (and the International Secretary where appropriate) shall give the result of the ballot to Members within their jurisdiction.

Custody of Ballot Papers

15.5 The Ballot papers shall be retained In safe custody for two years by the National Secretaries (and the International Secretary), and shall be produced to the lGC, if it so requires.

Invalid Ballot

15.6 Failure by any National Secretary to organise a ballot in his jurisdiction in accordance with this Rule shall not invalidate the Ballot, unless in the opinion of the IEC half the Members of the International Association have been disenfranchised by such failures. In these circumstances IEC shall decide whether to organise a further ballot, and in which countries it shall be held, or to refer the matter to the next International General Meeting.

16.0 Interpretation

16.1 where there is a discrepancy between versions of these Rules in different languages the English language version shall prevail.

16.2 Throughout this and all other documents of the International Association, words importing one gender include all other genders.

Updated 01 Jan 2000