Note: Below paragraph section is an extract from the Complete International 505 Class Rules
15.0 Ballots
15.1 Ballots are required for the election of the International Officers under Rule A.7.3 and for changes to this Constitution and the Measurement Rules, except as provided by Rule A12.2, and to Championship Rule C-5.6.
Notice and Organisation of Ballot
15.2 Notice of the ballot to be held shall be sent by the International Secretary to all National Secretaries not less than two months before the date of the close of the ballot. National Secretaries shall organise the ballot within their jurisdiction at the expense of their National Association. The notice of the ballot shall state:
15.2.1 The matter to be determined,
15.2.2 Whether all Members or only Boat-owning Members (limited to one vote per boat) are entitled to vote
15.2.3 The date by which National Secretaries shall send ballot papers to their Members, which shall not be less than one month before the close of the ballot, and
15.2.4 The date of the close of the ballot.
The International Secretary shall send ballot papers to Members who do not belong to a National Association.
Return of Ballots
15.3 Ballot papers shall be returned by Members to their National Secretaries (or the International Secretary). The National Secretary shall record the way in which all the votes were cast, and shall send a copy of this record to the International Office not later than two weeks after the date fixed for the closing of the ballot.
Record of Results
15.4 The result of each National Association's ballot, and those ballot papers returned to the International Secretary by individual Members, shall be recorded by not less than two Members of the IEC. A Member of the IEC who is a candidate in an election to be determined by ballot shall not take part in the tabulation of the results. The votes cast in total and by each National Association shall be recorded in the Minutes of the Meetings of the International Association and sent to all National Secretaries. The National Secretaries (and the International Secretary where appropriate) shall give the result of the ballot to Members within their jurisdiction.
Custody of Ballot Papers
15.5 The Ballot papers shall be retained In safe custody for two years by the National Secretaries (and the International Secretary), and shall be produced to the lGC, if it so requires.
Invalid Ballot
15.6 Failure by any National Secretary to organise a ballot in his jurisdiction in accordance with this Rule shall not invalidate the Ballot, unless in the opinion of the IEC half the Members of the International Association have been disenfranchised by such failures. In these circumstances IEC shall decide whether to organise a further ballot, and in which countries it shall be held, or to refer the matter to the next International General Meeting.