The story of the Laser deserves to be told: it is a fascinating story of an ingenious boat born of chance. Here it is. In 1969, Bruce Kirby received a call from his friend, Montreal industrial designer Ian Bruce, to design a new sailboat.

The amazing success story of the Laser, a thirteen-foot sailboat built by Ian Bruce of Pointe Claire, Qu�bec, and of Performance Sailcraft, the company he formed to produce and market it. Simply designed, durably built of fiberglass, it is a pleasure craft that has brought summer sailing within everyone's reach on coastal and inland waters around the world.

info: THE BOAT THAT IAN BUILT  (Andy Thomson, 1974 28 min)

Weekender � Laser � ILCA Dinghy: A look back at the beginning of the world�s most popular one-design!

Bruce Kirby (1970)

□ Farewell to Laser Daddy. Good wind Bruce Kirby!

Fr�n Donald Trasks nominator  (2016) US National Sailing Hall Of Fame
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Don l�rde sig att segla vid sju �rs �lder och forts�tter till denna dag, i 80-�rs�ldern. Hans framg�ngsrika karri�r i Starb�t, Laser och Snipe inkluderade att han vann Star North American Championships 1966 och placerade sig p� tredje plats bakom Paul Elvstrom och Lowell North i Star Worlds 1967.

Men de flesta som k�nner honom h�ller med om att hans st�rsta prestation har varit hans bidrag till v�r sport genom hans outtr�ttliga h�ngivenhet f�r ungdomssegling, opinions-bildning och fr�mjande av t�vlingssegling p� alla niv�er, med b�rjan med hans grundande av Performance Sailcraft Corp f�r att bygga 11 000 Laserjollar, 300 J24:or och 30 Starb�tar p� amerikanska v�stkusten.

Genom detta p�verkade han otaliga ungdomar, av vilka ett stort antal fortsatte med att �stadkomma mycket inom v�r sport, inklusive flera v�rldsm�stare och olympier. Han �r en v�n till otaliga idrottare �ver hela v�rlden och det finns ingen hamn eller yachtklubb d�r han inte har v�nner och bekanta. Jag l�rde mig sj�lv, som hans bes�ttning, hur en h�rd konkurrensanda kan f�renas med kompromissl�s sportsmannaanda. V�r sport m�r mycket b�ttre tack vare Dons h�ngivenhet, passion och h�ngivenhet f�r segling och sina medseglare.

Star Class Regatta Report: 1972 US Olympic Trials
- Raced on San Francisco Bay in winds over 25 knots every day

Donald Trask var framg�ngsrik Starb�tseglare vid samma tid som han r�kade tr�ffa Ian Bruce, som tillsammans med Bruce Kirby hade konstruerat Laserjollen 1970, vilket Don ber�ttar om i videon h�r nedan.

Don Trask on the building of the first Laser Dinghies
and related stories

Introduction of Donald Trask

St. Francis Yacht Club: Laser Masters Circuit
Pacific Coast and World�s Championships

Laser Class Zoom meeting Panel
St. Francis Yacht Club

The Laser is the most popular sailboat in the world, including cohorts in the Masters Circuit, sailed by guys as old as 86 years old. How did Lasers become so popular and why are these geezers still racing them? StFYC member Don Trask built 11,000 Lasers, raced in this athletic fleet when he was in his 40s, and otherwise inspired success in the Class. The Masters divisions provide an age-based scoring system that enables 80 year olds to compete fairly with sailors decades younger. We will review the benefits of this thriving Masters circuit and how octogenarians can survive the coldest and wildest racing conditions in a wet, 14-foot-long dinghy.

Lasers have been a part of the StFYC racing program for 50+ years. From Don Trask's shop to Junior Sailing to Olympics to Masters Racing, the class continues to have a high number of members racing under the StFYC Burgee. Panelists include Don Trask, Bill Kresyler, Jon Andron, Tracy Usher, Andrew Holdsworth, Ernie Rodriguez and Paige Railey.

St. Francis Yacht Club annual Heavy Weather Slalom Regatta in San Francisco (1975).

Utdrag fr�n en l�ngre ber�ttelse av Paul Cayard som reflekterar �ver hur hans introduktion till segling var s� slumpm�ssig och s� r�tt (2022).

Juniorprogrammet p� St Francis leddes av Paxton (Packy) Davis och Don Trask. B�da �r fortfarande med oss vid 90 �rs �lder idag. Dessa tv� enast�ende m�nniskor gav enormt mycket av sig sj�lva f�r att odla en trupp som inkluderade John Bertrand, John Kostecki, Craig Healy, Paul Cayard, Ken Keefe, Steve Jeppesen, Zan Dredjes och Russ Silvestri. Vi bj�d in Jeff Madrigali att h�nga med oss trots att han var fr�n en annan klubb.
Laserklassen hade precis b�rjat och klubben k�pte 10 st och delade ut dem. Don byggde lasrarna p� Performance Sailcraft i San Rafael. Klubben k�pte en sk�pbil och Don och Packy byggde en skr�ddarsydd trailer som skulle rymma alla 10 lasrar.

Fogh Marine
Hans Fogh at the Helm with Paul Elvstrom crewing at the 1962 Flying Dutchman World Championships in St. Petersburg, Florida. Hans was 24 and Paul was 34. They won the regatta.
Fun Fact: During the 1962 Worlds, Paul Elvstrom received a telegram that his daughter had been born (his fourth daughter). Nothing stood in the way of sailing!

Just two comments! Look at their sailing clothes. They have no neoprene or water tight on. Just a lot of sweaters that could carry more than 15 kg of water when wet. Also take a look at Hans' life west, which is designed by Paul, produced by Imak (now part of the Helly Hansen group). It was the very first life west designed for dinghy, and an enormous improvement from earlier west (which did turn you upside down, when you fell into the water).

The Laser sailboat was designed by Canadians Bruce Kirby and Ian Bruce. Hans Fogh created the sail for this unique boat and for the Laser Radial version with a less powerful sail plan that made this high performance dinghy available to all levels of sailors. The Laser became an Olympic class boat in 1996. He was an innovator and a pioneer in the art of sail making.

�We just wanted a nice little boat!� The story of the Laser

Laser lines -the shape that launched 200,000 ships

Crossing Tacks with the Great Dane The passing of Paul Elvstrom has opened the memories of those blessed to cross tacks with the Great Dane. Bruce Kirby, Canadian-born sailboat designer, racer and journalist, shares some of his treasures from the past�

Det var utmanande f�rh�llanden under LASER (ILCA) VM som avgjordes i Adelaide i februari.
Bay Area ILCA Masters Raced the Worlds in Adelaide, Australia, February 2024

Bo �sterberg ber�ttar Laserjollens historia i Sverige
Med Laser i 45 �r 1972-2017


Stellan Westerdahl i annonsbilden ovan

LASER 6000 byggda p� 18 m�nader

Fler bilder fr�n MKS klubbkappseglingar p� onsdagkv�llar


TILLBAKA till MKS-arkivet