Worlds 2000 in South Africa

Dear All,

As you know Worlds 2000 is destined to take place in South Africa.

The exact details are as follows:

Venue: Durban South Africa

Date: November 13th to November 24th.

Programme: Pre worlds 13-15th
Measuring 16th
Worlds 17- 24th ( Lay day 21st)
FREE CONTAINERS will be provided as follows:
From Australia 2
Europe 4
America 2
Kenya 1
U.K. 2

(The container and its shipping will be free of charge, port costs and documentation will be for competitors accounts)

The time of year is designed to provide economical accomodation and airfares.

Refer all queries to me.

Hope you will support this event - it will be wild windy and wet !!!!!!


Nigel Milln