505 Template drawings

From Chris Thorne
Sent: February 15, 2005
To: Karl-Otto Stromberg
CC: Adam Cowley
Subject: FW: 505 Template drawings

Dear Karl-Otto,

Here are the revised CAD files. Unfortunately I cannot tell you much about them as I cannot find a viewer that will open them, but if you have difficulty I suggest you contact Adam Cowley (www.box-yacht.com), who I have copied in with this mail. Adam is the architect who did this work for us.

Although we are now happy with the files for stations 3, 6 and 9, the transom is problematic for the reasons explained in my earlier mail. Since your prototype passed using the master templates in Malmo, we know your boat is OK unless you have altered the transom in any way. I believe there are two template images in the file, Adam might be able to explain which is which. My advice would be to perhaps cut some temporary templates for the bow and transom at this stage using mdf or ply, pending us sorting out the definitive shape, which may not be until after the next Worlds when we can check the transom template against all current production boats.


505 Offset Table

From: David L. Stetson
Sent: January 28, 2002
To: 505world
Subject: RE: 505world: Stations

For those who are still playing with the sections drawings and the offset table, the distance between stations are:

11 to 10: 600 mm
10 to 9 through 2 to 1: 460 mm
1 to bow: 310 mm

By the way, the drawings of the hull in the rule book and reproduced on the website with the class rules are scale drawings, and reasonably accurate measurements can be taken from those drawings. The diagonal, the buttocks, and the waterlines can be determined. It sounds like some of you need to refer to a book on hull design and lofting lines to get the full benefit of the drawings. Just a suggestion...


David L. Stetson, PhD
Evolution, Ecology, and Organismal Biology
The Ohio State University
1735 Neil Avenue
Columbus, OH 43210