505s Registered by Year

505 dinghy built by year
The following table indicates - to the best of our knowledge - the first 505 registered (assigned a number by the International Office) each year, and the total number of 505s registered that year. If you believe any of these to be incorrect, please contact the 505 class International Secretary.

You may also wish to check the 505 Registry, which has information on some specific boats, when we have it.

When comparing the number of boats built in different years, consider what the longevity of the average 505 was that year. Early 505s - FRA 8, FRA 21 and some of the other early 505s notwithstanding - did not normally have very long competitive lifespans. The competitive lifespan of 505 is much greater now (and has been for some time) than it was in the early years, and the frequency with which 505 sailors buy new 505s has decreased accordingly.

Year Sail Number at start of year Number registered in year
2000 8745 23
1999 8714 31
1998 8683 31
1997 8640 43
1996 8590 50
1995 8555 35
1994 8497 58
1993 8450 47
1992 8395 55
1991 8350 45
1990 8270 80
1989 8170 100
1988 8080 90
1987 7960 120
1986 7850 110
1985 7720 130
1984 7630 90
1983 7505 125
1982 7385 120
1981 7215 170
1980 7011 204
1979 6710 301
1978 6300 410
1977 5950 350
1976 5600 350
1975 5250 350
1974 4910 340
1973 4550 360
1972 4200 350
1971 3900 300
1970 3600 300
1969 3300 300
1968 3000 300
1967 2700 300
1966 2400 300
1965 2100 300
1964 1825 275
1963 1550 275
1962 1300 250
1961 1050 250
1960 825 225
1959 625 200
1958 450 175
1957 300 150
1956 150 150
1955 20 130
1954 0 20