1. Minutes of the last Meeting
Minutes of the International Annual General Meeting held at Adelaide in 1966 were read and approved.
2. Matters Arising from the Minutes
The International Secretary, M. Jean Cettier, reported that a new drawing showing a correct table of offsets of the 505 had been produced.
3. World Championships
The date for the World Championships to be held at Kiel in 1968 was confirmed by the German delegate as being the end of August and the beginning of September 1968 (28th August to 4th September - to be confirmed) and this was agreed.
The Argentine, Ireland, USA, UK and South Africa each confirmed their invitations for world meetings and enlarged upon the facilities, etc., that could be provided. The Chairman thanked the representatives of each country for their invitations. Ireland was particularly anxious to hold the event in 1970 as they would be celebrating the 250th anniversary of the Royal Cork Yacht Club (the oldest yacht club in the world). The USA and the United Kingdom also pressed for 1970. After much discussion the following progamme was agreed, subject to each country concerned being able to complete arrangements which could be expected to make possible a successful meeting.
1969 Argentina
1970 United Kingdom
1971 USA (West Coast)
1972 South Africa
The Argentine representatives agreed to complete their planning and make known their proposals to the International Office, Paris, at an early date. If plans were successfully completed for the World Championships in Argentina in 1969 the event would be held in January, and so provide the possibility of a European Championship in Ireland in the summer of 1969. The Irish delegate accepted, subject to agreement by his association. (Acceptance has now been confirmed.)
4. Subscriptions by Associations to International Headquarters, Paris.
As a preliminary to discussion on the payment of dues to the International Headquarters, Paris, it was agreed that, as set down in the Constitution, the office fulfils a vital role, e.g. rules, boat numbers and IYRU communications. Appreciation was expressed for the excellent service provided by those concerned. There was unanimous agreement that associations should provide adequate financial support and it was only a matter of finding the most simple and equitable way of doing this. The Chairman said that this problem had been before us for a long time and he hoped that early agreement would be reached
The British Association said that they did work, in a general way, of an international character amongst many English-speaking countries, but they were anxious to honour any obligations to the International Office, They suggested that accounts published by the International Office would facilitate agreement on payments to be made by associations The International Secretary read out various items of expenditure incurred by the Paris office which showed that considerable sums were involved.
After much discussion it was agreed that the International Office be asked to prepare and circulate accounts. The British Association were asked to do the same to cover their international work, Upon receipt of this information the Chairman said the Executive would work out proposals for payments to the International Office which it would be hoped would be acceptable to Associations. It was further agreed that, although the Paris Central Office was so essential for IYRU dealings, etc., the British Association should be asked to continue to deal with English-speaking countries on general matters as their work was much appreciated.
5. Adjournment
The meeting was adjourned at 10.40 a.m. as members had to prepare for racing and it was announced that the meeting would continue the next morning at 09.00 at the Yacht Club. International Annual General Meeting (continued) held at the Cerde Nautique de La Baule1 at 09.00 on Saturday, 26th August 1967
The attendance was again very small.
6. Olympics
It was unanimously agreed to put forward a request to the IYRU that the International 505 Class be considered for the 1972 Olympic Games. (The request has not been accepted by the IYRU, international associations being able to propose only modifications to their measuring rules, A long and fruitful discussion followed which resulted in the following resolution:-
Members with friends in official yachting positions who could be helpful in the 505 cause should be approached in the right manner.
7. Rules
The problem of long delays in reviewing and settling rule changes was raised by the British Association and fully aired, John Westell, chairman of the Technical Committee, explained the difficulties under which his committee operated by correspondence. The following was agreed:-
a) As in the past there could only be one authority for dealing with the technical problem of rules and this was the Technical Committee, with John Westell as chairman.
b) Membership of the Technical Committee, whilst remaining small and working mainly through correspondence with its chairman, should be brought up to date so that it could function more quickly and effectively.
c) Associations concerned should be asked to make new nominations to the Technical Committee where necessary.
d) Suggestions from all associations on matters of rules would always be welcome by the Technical Committee.
e) An early statement by the British Association to the Technical Committee, setting down the proposals they already had in mind for rule changes, would be particularly welcome.
8. Weight and Measuring of 505s
There was discussion on the weights and measurements of various 505s, both at the time of building and later. The International Secretary said it had been reported to him that the Australian boat KA 2795, built by Messrs Binks, might not be fully in accordance with the rules. The Chairman suggested that progress and innovation should be encouraged, provided the rules were observed, and said that in the interests of Messrs Binks, the owners of the boat and the class in general, this matter should be cleared up. John Westell agreed to measure the boat in question and report.
9. Entries for World Championships
Discussion showed a feeling that there were too many boats entered for World Championship meetings. The following points were made:-
At the previous International AGM, held in Australia, a maximum of 75 boats had been suggested. La Baule was very popular and this resulted in more than 100 boats being at the starting line at the present meeting. Unlike some other classes, the 505 class had no procedure established for limiting the number of boats. Racing could be divided into two sections. The first group, limited to say 75 boats, could consist of helmsmen nominated by their countries who would compete for the World Championship. The second group could be made of able sailing enthusiasts who wished to be present at such an important occasion and yet enjoy their own racing and the social life, Finaly, after much discussion, it was agreed that future entries for the World Championship should be limited to 75. It was further agreed that the Executive should work out a scheme in detail covering racing for both sections in the same week, and circulate proposals to all associations.
10. Election of Officers
The Chairman said how much he had enjoyed the honour of being International President for a number of years, but if the class was to continue to be successful change was important in all spheres, including that of International President. He referred to the advantage of change by appointing an International President from some country other than the UK. If the meeting had no firm views in mind for change at the moment he hoped that they would give the matter some thought during the next year. The following were unanimously re-elected:-
International President F. Garner
International Secretary J. Cettier
Asst. lnternationalSecretary Melle M. Baudry
International Treasurer G Moisan
11. Any Other Business
Mr. Maurice Dobeyn of South Africa said that he thought there should be an International Auditor. The International Secretary said that this had not been considered before. The Chairman thanked Mr Dobeyn for this suggestion and said that he would seek the advice of the Executive on this point.The Chairman thanked members for their attendance and the meeting was closed.
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