Annual General Meeting, 25th August 1970 - Plymouth.
(held at Royal Plymouth Corinthian yacht Club)

The meeting was opened by the past International President, Fred Garner, who welcomed those in attendance on behalf of the British Section. Upon introducing the new International President, Derk Vyn, the meeting was begun by reading the agenda, chairman presiding, by the International President.


Attendance noted: Fred Garner, past International President, present British section President
Derek Vyn, chairman, present International President
Jean Cettier, Honorary International Secretary
John Westell, designer
Cmdr. Percy Chandler, secretary of the British Section
Derek Farrant, chairman, Rules Committee
Dennis Surtees, President of the American Section
Jacques Collaert, President of the French Section
Urs Scherrer, President of the Swiss Section
Bernt Eppers, President of the Danish Section
A.R. Maynard, President of the Hong Kong Section
David Court-Hampton, President of the Canadian Section
Axel Hampe, President of the German Section
R.H. Mac Lightbourn, President of the Bermudian Section
Maurice Dobeyn, International Auditor

Were excused P. Chambr� , International Treasurer Monique Baudry, Assistant International Secretary.

Derk Vyn emphasised the importance of communication between the various national sections. He will attempt to develop a means for increased exchanges of sailing techniques, equipment, and class information. He expressed appreciation and thanks from himself and the class for the work done so competently by the International Secretary and the Paris Office. He also complimented the Rules Committee for their job in rewriting and submitting to the IYRU the revised rules. The President requested the help of each national section in publishing an international bulletin for the Class. Please send to him your sections feeling on a publication such as this.

Jean Cettier reported on the number of new boats registered this year:

South Africa 8 Germany 23
Austria I
Australia 4 Belgium 1 Bermuda 3
Canada 19 Denmark 12 Finland 11
France 63 Great Britain 66 United States 57
Guatemale I Hong Kong 4 Ireland I
Japan I Kenya I Morroco I
Rhodesia 2 Sweden 19 Switzerland 14
Zambia 4

Total new registrations : 316.

There were 11 News Bulletins mailed out from the Central Office, reporting class information.

TREASURERS REPORT: (P. Chambr�, int.treas. excused), Jean Cettier submitting.

Financial report, published previously in News Letter, was read. Maurice Dobeyn, International Accountant, reported approval of figures presented. An enumeration of the number of boats from each section paying annual fees was presented as follows : Australia 85 Bermuda 10 Canada 45
Denmark 17 Kenya 27 Finland 22
France 452 Germany 29 Great Britain 208
Hong Kong 18 Morocco 10 Sweden 73
Switzerland 54 South Africa 58 United States 206
Rhodesia 28 Zambia 33
Total number of boats paying fees 1369.

Several members in attendance evidenced surprise at the small number of annual fees paid in relation to the total number of boats in use. Cmdr. P. Chandler outlined the British System, an annual card of membership being a requirement for participation in any official class regatta. Jean Cettier explained the French system competitors have to be registered under the French National Authority (F�d�ration Francaise de Yachting a Voile) who issues a "licence permitting competition for each type of boat. Every year, this Federation submits to the Class the list of 505 owners that have purchased the license. For several years, they have noticed that less than 10% have not paid the fee.

There was an animated discussion with insistence by Americans, Surtees and Altieri, and Tillman of Canada, on refusal of entry to the official class regattas of any owner not having paid his annual fee. Cettier added that the championship rules require all competitors to be in order with the association. Surtees requested that the number of competitors allowed to enter Worlds Championships be based upon the actual number of subscribers for each section. Surtees also noted that Ireland did not appear on the list of countries having paid their fees. Cettier indicated that he had received one registration from Ireland. Chandler reported that some boats sailing under Irish numbers pay their fees to the British Section, being residents in Ulster.

Derek Farrant outlined the criteria .of establishing entries for the 1970 World's Championshipsin Plymouth by the British Section

1. Number of subscribers per national section
2. The distance between the participating countries and the site of the championships.
3. The number of owners per nation wishing to compete.

It was suggested to the American Section that these items be considered for 1971 at Santa Cruz. In the past, participation for World Championship competition has been encouraged from as many diverse national sections as possible. The Chairman requested from Fred Garner a report on Olympic participation procedures followed the past year, outlined as follows:

A majority of 505 owners are in favor of our class becoming the Olympic selection. Following a recommendation of the Class Policy Committee requiring Olympic classes to be managed by the IYRU, our executive committee had requested President Garner to contact the IYRU Secretary, Major Nigel Hacking, for clarification. Together with Percy Chandler they conferred with Major Hacking. As result of their meeting Fred reported that, at this time, there would be no advantage to our class being managed by the IYRU in hopes of becoming an Olympic class.

Percy Chandler, on behalf of the British Section, reports their objection to the management of the association by the IYRU. The members present at the meeting agreed on this point. (please see at the end).

Upon the request of Alastair Black an indicative vote was taken to determine class policy directed at becoming an Olympic class; the vote was favorable for pursuit of this goal. Percy Chandler pointed out to the members present that the 505 executive committee cannot present the candidature of the class directly to the IYRU. Our case has to be presented through each national section to their representatives to the IYRU. Each national section was urged to work through these channels in presenting the 505 for Olympic selection.

Derek Farrant reported for the rules committee concerning the rewording of the rules recommended by the IYRU, and two minor adjustments in the form of amendments to the rules, roach batten placement in the jib and prohibition of sailing instruments (electrical, electronic, etc.).. Farrant recommended the text established by the IYRU. The membership voted and approved

1. The adoption of the preamble of the IYRU.
2. The precise position of the jib roach batten.
3. The prohibition of electronic or other such devices for the class.

Tillman, Canada, requested clarification in the "Instruction to measurers" on method employed in measuring the foot roach on the jib. Farrant indicated that the "Instruction to measurers" form has been brought up to date in accordance with the new rules.

Derek Farrant reported that the rough draft of the new constitution has been completed and will be submitted to the national sections for examination prior to a postal ballot conducted by the class.

Dennis Surtees was requested to report on the preparations by the American Section for the World's Championships to be held in Santa Cruz, California (24 August to 2nd September 1971).

He presented the charter flight arrangement possible for air travel from Europe. This charter flight, through the British American Club, must be registered at least six months in advance. The round trip flight fare would be $280.00. The cost of transportation for the boats, shipped in containers, is $150 one way. There will be private homes available for foreign competitor's accommodation. Motel and hotel rates are also going to be quoted. At this time it appears that there will be few boats available for charter.

The Finnish section presented a request for organizing the world's championships in 1972 in Hango. This proposal was accepted by the class. The Finnish Section was instructed to submit to the central office information concerning accessibility, accommodations, and organization of the regatta as soon as possible.

B. Eppers, President of the Danish Section, recommended these waters in Hango for conducting our championships. The Finn Gold Cup races were held in this location and they found it to be a most satisfactory location. He also advised the meeting that in an Olympic year it is difficult to obtain a sponsoring organization. Percy Chandler requested that the Finn file include an indication of the costs for accomodation and travel.

The organization of the World Championships 1972 in Hango, Finland, was approved tentatively upon presentation of their file.

The Hong Kong Section requested consideration by the class for their sponsorship of the World's Championships in 1973. They were instructed to submit an information file at the AGM in Santa Cruz 1971 for final approval. There was favorable preliminary reaction to their proposal.

The Swedish Section requested preliminary approval for their sponsoring of the 1974 World's Championship. The site proposed is Marstrand, Sweden. No action was taken.


Jean Cettier requested dates of the Far East Championships, the All Africa Championships,

Jean Cettier and Pierre Chambr� were elected International Secretary and Treasurer, respectively.

Jacques Collaert, French President, proposed Monique Baudry as Honorary Member of the Class, and Percy Chandler suggested amending this to elect her Honorary Life member of the class. This was approved unanimously. Both past and present International presidents expressed their thanks and appreciation to Monique for her many years of devotion to the class.

The meeting closed. Time : 23 h. 15.

PLYMOUTH, the 25th August 1970.

It was resolved no action to be taken and that the Class remain a self-governing body.