1. Present
Cmdr. Percy Chandler (International President Elect) Phillipe Buck (Representing International Secretary) Derek Farrant (Chairman International Technical Com). Maurice Dobeyn (International Auditor)

Approximately 90 Members of the Association

2. Apologies for Absence
Derk Vyn Int. President
Jean Cettier Int. Secretary

3. Opening
President (herein after referred to as Chairman) Percy Chandler opened Meeting at 18.15 hours, and noted, with regret, the death of Monique Baudry during the year. She had been a great help to the Class, and the Chairman hoped that she would be remembered for her good work during the past years. The Chairman appointed John Turgoose Temporary Secretary for the Meeting, to record the Minutes.

4. Minutes
Chairman read the Minutes of the sixteenth Annual General Meeting. Derek Farrant proposed, and Maurice Dobeyn seconded, that they should be approved. Carried.

5. Matters arising from Minutes of previous Meeting
(a) International Bulletin - this has not progressed owing to lack of response by National Associations to Derk Vyn.
(b) Rules - Derek Farrant outlined the latest position. Rules for Mast and Boom bending have now been clarified and circulated. The rule for measuring the round of the jib foot will not change, as it is now working satisfactorily. Eric Lockeyear suggested, and it was agreed, that the method for measuring the foot of the jib should be included in the instructions to Measurers. The Rules have been reprinted, to cover small errors found during the year.
(c) Templates - the originals have been moved to England, and corrected. Master Templates, in metal, are being distributed to National Sections by the British Association.
(d) Instructions for holding World Championships - Derek Farrant will consult with Members organising future World Championships.

6. Chairman's Report
The Chairman said that in future Agenda for International Annual General Meetings will be distributed to National Secretaries by the International Secretary (the International Accounts will be included) by the 31 July of each year. Associations should note that only items sent to International Secretary will be included on Agenda, except for any urgent item. Jean Cettier International Secretary) had resigned during the year. Percy Chandler said how much the Class appreciated the good work that Jean had done for the past 18 years. The Meeting agreed it would be appropriate to give Jean Cettier a gift, as a token of appreciation. The Chairman will write to all National Associations accordingly. The French Section had put forward Alain Lallemand as a possible new International Secretary. The Chairman said that he and several other Members of the Class Associations had met Mr Lallemand, and believed him to be very suitable, but that the approval of the Meeting would be required. (See 9 below). A request had been received, during 1972 AGM to increase the International Levy from $2 to $3 per boat. The International Secretary will prepare a budget, to see if this is necessary, but in any case, each National Association is to pay $2 per Member to Paris by December 1972 for the 1972 International Levy. The numbers of Members to be calculated by each National Association. The President Elect pointed out that only fully paid-up Associations would be eligible for European and/or World Championships.

7. Secretary's Report
Phillipe Buck read the Secretary's report, as follows:- Four letter news have been sent. No 16 includes the Postal Ballot for the election of International Pres. No 17 includes the AGM of Santa Cruz Minutes with the financial report. No 18 gives the allocation for the World Championship. No 19 asked the number of entries the sections were able to send to Hangoe, and some questions to answer to IYRU enquiry, but, as usual, I got very few answers.
Rules - The official Rules (building) have been reprinted in England. In this booklet you will find Measurement diagram and measurement form - they are available from our new President Percy Chandler. You must have just received from Percy Chandler a draft for Constitution. A postal ballot is to be done - National section must organise the ballot in their jurisdiction, and give the result by the end of the year. A new 505 Association has been officially established in Japan, and recognised by Japan Yachting Association.

The number of boats registered at 1/6/72:

South Africa 115
Finland 36
Germany 118
UK 950
France 1642
Australia 166
Hong Kong 21
Kenya 30
USA 511
Denmark 45
Zambia 38
Canada 124
Sweden 147
Bermuda 15
Suisse 121
and also Austria 2
Cyprus 5
Morocco 37
Belgium 37
Brazil 24
Spain 2
Holland 3
Ireland 63
Mexico 28
Libya 5
Guatemala 2
NZ 2
Uganda 2
Nyassaland 2
Luxemburg 2

The number of boats recorded does not indicate the number of paid up Members. Policy with IYRU Please see Percy Chandler who deals with this matter. Monique Baudry - The Association lost a great friend who worked for the Class as nobody did. She died 14 January. She was Honorary Member since the AGM 1970, when she was at Hospital for an operation. It was the first sign of her illness. The 505 was her life together with the business. She had the Gold medal of the Class. I get numerous letters from friends all over the world, telling me how she was appreciated. Hon. Secretary By a letter sent to the Class Office, I advise them I shall not be a candidate to this Office. I took the decision for business reasons. In fact, after Monique died, I got extra work, and I was not able to 'think 505'. I do not want to desert the 505 for another Class. I think younger hands will be good for the Class, and the French section is presenting my friend Alain Lallemand as Candidate for this Office of Hon. Secretary. Of course, I shall always be there to advise or help.

8. Election of International Treasurer
Pierre Chambrey - proposed by Phillipe Buck, French Section, seconded by Percy Chandler - carried.

9. Election of International Secretary
Alain Lallemand - proposed by John Donnelly, British Section, seconded by Carl Wincrantz, Swedish Section - carried.

10. Treasurer's and Auditor's Report
Maurice Dobeyn read the Accounts, and his Audit report was as follows

International 505 Class Report of the Auditor for the financial accounts year ended 31 December 1971. To the President and Members No financial statements have been presented for audit for the year under review, although two written requests have been made by me. The President Elect of the Class did, however, make available to me, on Sunday 13 August 1972, a copy of a Balance Sheet Statement of Income and Expenditure for the year ended 31/12/71, which will be presented at the AGM on Wednesday 16 August 1972. This statement in brief, shows, that Income for 1971 totals Francs 25282, compared with the previous year of Francs 19566. Expenditure totals Francs 15836 compared with the previous years of Francs 14450. The surpluses for the two years are 1971 Francs 9840 �803 US$1960 1970 5116 �417 US$1002 I have been unable to audit the accounts for the year 1971, but suggest to you, Mr President and Members, that these accounts be accepted. Signed Maurice Dobeyn at Hangoe 13.8.72. Don Bowles, British Section, proposed, and John Loveday, British Section, seconded, that the Accounts be adopted- carried.

11. International Constitution
Copies of the new Constitution had been distributed to each National Association, by the British Association. John Donnelly, who drafted the new Constitution, explained the changes, and why the new Constitution was written.
(a) Old Constitution was out-of-date, and loosely worded.
(b) To provide framework for the International Association.
(c) To define Full and Associate Membership.
(d) To provide a new and more practical method for electing the Technical Com.

National Associations are requested to reply to the postal ballot on the new Constitution.

12. World Championships

13. European Championships

14. Olympics 1976
Official requests to the IYRU for Olympic Selection had been made by the British Association, on behalf of the International Association, for the past several years. However, some doubts about the advisability of this, were apparent. The Chairman asked for views of representatives of National Associations. BRITAIN does not wish the Class to apply for Olympic Selection. SWEDEN a postal ballot had been held, but only 10 replies had been received from 60 requested. Most replies were in favour of selection, but the overall feeling was 50-50 in favour and against. FRANCE in favour of selection. FINLAND in favour of selection. DENMARK in favour of selection. The Members decided to go away and further consider the question, but, in any case, a final decision to be taken at the Hong Kong AGM.

15. Conclusion

The Chairman expressed thanks on behalf of the International Association, to Lars Feilman and the Finnish Yachting Association, for the organisation of the 1972 World Championship, and to the City Fathers, for the use of the Town Hail for the AGM. A vote of thanks was accorded to the Chairman, and to John Turgoose (temporary Secretary) in the usual manner.

Percy L Chandler Chairman. September 1972

Note Under Para.5..RULES..(b) please add... The Rules Committee decided that PARROT PERCHES ARE ILLEGAL FOR THE INTERNATIONAL CLASS.