Percy Chandler opened the Meeting with a short welcoming speech to the Members present and asked for interpreters to come forward to assist during the Meeting.
Minutes of last meeting held Hangoe Finland, August 1972
The minutes were read and approved.
Matters arising
No matters arising excepting those which are covered this evening.
Int. President's Report
The President said the Class was in a very healthy position, numerically at between 350 and 450 per year. Twenty years ago the Class was born, and like a famous Scotch Whiskey, is "still going Strong".
The Class is bound together with a wonderful camaraderie, and in this connection, it is essential that the International Bulletin flourishes. The Central Office has produced No. 1, we look forward to No. 2. but your support is necessary. Good communications are the life blood of any Association - ensure, by your efforts, that the 505 goes from strength to strength.
Two meetings have been held since the last A.G.M. one by the Governing and one by the Executive. I thank all the Presidents, Secretaries, Measurers and Committees throughout the World, for their enthusiasm and hard work in promoting the 505.
Finally, I have pleasure in reporting that the response to my request for contributions for a gift to Jean Cettier, (retiring Secretary in 1972) had met with splendid success. The sum subscribed had enabled the purchase of a silver salver, suitably engraved with a message from the 505 Class. This, together with a cheque for the balance had been presented to Jean Cettier, who had expressed his sincere thanks, and asked me to thank you all, and say how very grateful he is.
Int. Secretary's Report
The International Secretary gave a short summary of the work of the previous Secretary, Jean Cettier. He stated the Office had been moved, and asked all to note the new address - 10 Rue Margueritte,Paris 75017
The International Executive Committee has been re-organised.
International 505 Bulletin has been produced and distributed. This would be useful to members, to keep them informed, and they could use it for advertising their latest ideal etc. It had cost nothing, as the advertisements had covered the printing expenses.
The Secretary apologised for the indifferent printing in the first Bulletin, but stated it would be improved. He stressed that he would need short articles, photographs etc. from 505 members. This Bulletin would be published twice a year, in Spring and Autumn.
The Secretary went on to discus the I.Y.C.F. Cup Team Race, and summarized the arrangements for the Regatta, to be held, it is hoped, in Great Britain in l974 Singapore and Holland had founded 505 Fleets, and he welcomed Singapore who had sent boats to the World Chimpionship in Hong Kong.
A lot of 505's had been registered during 1973.
Regarding sporting activities, participation had been very good this year, particularly in Great Britain, where there had been over 130 boats on the line for the National Championship.
He finished by thanking everyone for helping the Organisation, especially those who had sent in articles.
International Treasurer's Report.
The new International Treasurer Jean-Marc Boudier was unable to attend, and the Secretary read the report. It was a short summary of the Income and Expenditure of the preceding year. He asked that dues be submitted as early as possible and requested that they be paid in the currency of the Treasurer's Office. He also reported, that fees and subscription had not been altered since 1954, and the Governing Committee had therefore decided to make increases.
Annual Fees Registration will be 100 francs as from 1st January 1974.
International Auditor's Report
The Auditor's report had been circulated, and was taken as read. He reported that, as far as possible, he had given a???? full coverage, but there were some discrepancies which, he had no doubt, would be cleared and accounted for in the 1974 presentation in Sweden. He proposed the Accounts be adopted, David Bull (Australia) seconded. Carried.
Election of Officers
International Secretary A. Lallemand (F): Proposed J.Donnelly (GB) Seconded J.Locke (GB) Agreed
International Auditor Maurice Dobeyn (BA): Proposed J.Donnelly (GB) Seconded Marcel Buffet (France) Agreed
International Treasurer Jean Marc-Boudier (F) Proposed D.Farrant (GB) Seconded Robert Parker (GB) Agreed.
World Championships
Rules of Allocation of Entries
The Chairman read the new Rules of Allocation for International Championships (World and European). He stressed that they limited entries for either event to 75 boats approximately. Reg Maynard (Hong Kong 505 Association President) requested that Hong Kong be allowed to participate in European Championships. Eric Lockeycar pointed out that other Classes did not restrict their entries to European Countries. After some discussion, the Chairman asked Reg Maynard to write to the International Association a formal request, and this would be put before the Committee in March 1974.
Rules Committee
Derek Farrarit reported the International Rules Committee had decided to limit the wet clothing weight to 20 Kilo, He had received a suggestion from U.S.A. that it be limited to 10 Kilo of basic wet clothing, and a further 10 Kilo that could be easily removed. Derek Farrant stated the Rules Committee would consider this suggestion. He also pointed out that our present 505 Rules in regard to sails stipulate 'woven' cloth, In 1974 the I.Y.R.U. Rules will stipulate 'flexible' cloth. The Rules Committee had put this Rule change to the Governing Committee, who recommended we should follow the I.Y.R.U. The A.G.M. in general discussion supported the decision.
505 Association Medals of Gratitude for Services
John Locke (UK) proposed a vote of thanks to R.H.K.Y.C. and the Hong Kong 505 Association, for their magnificent organization, and this was acclaimed in the usual manner.
The meeting closed at 2130 with a vote of thanks to the Chairman
A.Lallemand International Secretary Percy Chandler International President