Dennis SURTEES International President
Alain LALLEMAND International Secretary
Alain PREEL International Treasurer
Maurice DOBEYN International Auditor
Derek FARRANT IRC President
and approximately 60 Members

1. The International President read abstracts from the minutes of the AGM held in AUSTRALIA in 1976. These were adopted without amendments.

2. Matters arising. - None

3. President's Report
The President reported on a very interesting year for the Class. He regretted that political problems affecting the World Championships had taken too much of his time. Steps were being taken to improve the measurement rules and measurement boats. It was encouraging to see many more new boats and more builders constructing them. He stressed that these must be accurately measured. He proposed a vote of thanks to the officers of the Association and Martine Lallemand.

He also informed the Meeting of Percy CHANDLER's illness. He recorded his long service with the Association and wished him a speedy recovery. It was intended that a memento in the form of a Class Flag should be sent to him and asked all Members to sign it, when it was available.

4. Secretary's Report
The Secretary reported on a number of new boats which showed an increase of over 10 % on the previous year. All National Associations had grown except for those in the United States and Zambia. The leading fleets in the World were now, GREAT BRITAIN, followed by the UNITED STATES, France, Australia, Sweden, Canada. He hoped for a greater increase following the Olympics last year. He expressed the need to know once more precisely who the Members were and asked for the co-operation of National Associations. There were 2-3000 readings of the International Bulletin and he asked for one article per country. Advertising was available at 100 dollars per page and this was need to pay for the magazine. As from the 1st October 1977, the International Office will move to a new address. Details would be sent to National Associations. Finally, he reported that the Canadians were organising a regatta in Kingston for which sponsorship of 400 dollars was available for the winners of the World Championships.

5. Treasurer's Report
The Treasurer presented accounts which were very comprehensive. He asked that in future, Countries (in particular the British Association) should not deduct expenses from royalties. The International Auditor reported that he had seen the accounts and discussed them with the Treasurer. He had not been able to see all the vouchers, but recommended the meeting to accept the accounts. This was done unanimously. It was commented that the subscriptions were lower than most other Classes and that some concern was expressed at the increasing expenditure of the Class. The Association was probably likely to incur further expenditure if certain proposals of the IRC were adopted. Any changes in the subscription had to be approved by the AGM , and John DONNELLY proposed that the International Executive Committee be authorised by the meeting to increase the subscription should this be necessary. The French President was against this proposition and it was deferred until after consideration of the International Rules Committee's Report.

6. International Rules Committee's President Report
The Chairman, Derek FARRANT, gave a report to the meeting. Firstly, he sought the Committee's approval to the constitution of the International Rules Committee. British Members put forward were Derek FARRANT, Chairman, John DONNELLY Secretary, William PARKER and Roy PARKER. The French Members were Philippe BUCK, Jean Marc BOUDIER, Marcel BUFFET, Jean Francois FOUNTAINE. He explained that the proposal passed by the ACM last year was out of order in that it was change of the Constitution. The Committee were nevertheless against the number of British and French Members being reduced below four in order to ensure an adequate working number. It was also pointed out that any National Association could appoint a representative to attend the Committee. The minutes of meetings would in future be circulated to All National Associations and also to measurers and builders who requested to them. He expressed the view that it was very difficult to affect a completely democratic system of the Rules Committee without making it unworkable. As it was, the French and British Members of the Committee were only able to meet twice a year. The rest of their business was done on the telephone. Meetings were often called at short notice.

Mr. FARRANT went on to report the result of the Measuring prior to the World Championship. Because certain hull defects were obviously inherent in the respective builders moulds, the IRC had resolved to notify the builders of the defects found and certificates would not be issued for those boats after 1978. Boats having the noted faults would not be allowed to race Nationally after 1979.

After discussion from the floor of the meeting, it was resolved that members should be ballotted on a change to Measurement Rules removing the IRC's discretion to issue measurement certificates to boats whose outside hull measurements were outside the tolerances. Mr. FARRANT then outlined the following rule changes proposed by the IRC and asked that they be put to a postal ballot of all members : -

A. 1 Sail Rule. The AGM in Australia had resolved that only one spinnaker should be carried. The Committee had formulated a rule only permitting one sail to be used during a race for each type.

B. Foredeck. The present rules were unsatisfactory and it was proposed that the after edge of the foredeck should be limited.

C. Jib Window. The British Association had proposed that all jibs should have windows for safety.

D. Centreboard box height. The Committee considered there should only be one height, namely the minimum of the two at present prescribed.

E. Swing test. The Committee felt that the swing test should now be introduced to prevent boats being made unduly light at the ends. Precise details could not be put forward and it was unlikely that the rule change could be made with the others. Permission was sought to introduce a swing test once the matter had Been fully considered with builders and all interested parties. It might also include limitations mast weight and centre of gravity.

The Meeting resolved that all these matters should pass to postal ballot.

Questions from the floor were raised on the following matters :

A. It was pointed out that the Measurement Rules required that all moulds should be checked without tolerance. Derek FARRANT replied that this was a very doubtful rule in the way that it could be applied. The intention was that the builders should make the moulds within the rules and clearly there had to be some tolerance. It was hoped that the possible appointment of a Chief- Measurer would get over some of these difficulties.

B. It was suggested from the floor of the Meeting that there should be no discretion to grant Measurement Certificates to boats whose hull measurements were outside the tolerances. Reference was made to the available tolerance of the builders and to the part of the measurement Rules which required moulds to be checked without tolerance. It was proposed that the issue should be put to a postal ballot and that the International Rules Committee be instructed to draft the proposal. The proposal was carried.

Chief Measurer
The Committee had decided that in future all measurement certificate should be issued from International Office. Any boat having a discrepancy in its measurements would have its form referred to the International Rules Committee for consideration. In that way, the Committee could have better knowledge of the measurement of boats and their construction throughout the World. The mechanics of the scheme were that measurers would send completed forms to their National Secretary. He would issue a provisional certificate. The National Secretary would forward a completed form to the International Secretary who would issue a measurement certificate unless the form contained discrepancies. It was hoped that this scheme could be brought into operation in 1978.


1978 - Bernt EPPERS Denmark, proposed that Denmark should be the venue for the 1978 World Championship at Skovshoved from the 19th to 26th August. He outlined the programme, sailing facilities and sailing conditions to be expected. The meeting unanimously confirmed the proposal.

1979 - There were three venues. One was Durban in South Africa. Maurice DOBEYN outlined this proposal. The other two were on the west cost of the United States at St. Francis, San Francisco Bay and at Santa Cruz, the latter being the venue of the 1971 Worlds. The President referred to the unwelcome intrusion of olitics into the sport. So far as the South Africans were concerned, M. DOBEYN said that there would not be restriction on entrants although a Scandinavian member pointed out that their Countries would probably not be allowed to enter. There was insufficient information to come to a decision at the Meeting although a decision had to be taken quickly.

It was agreed that the question be left to the International Executive Committee although the Meeting showed a preference of 34 votes for South Africa to 27 for the USA.


1979 - There were requests from Jersey and Travemunde in Germany to stage the 1979 European Championships. The Meeting showed a small preference for Germany (15 votes to 13). Both Associations were asked to present their programme before 15th October

Alain LALLEMAND proposed as Int. Secretary. Agreed
Alain PREEL proposed as Int. Treasurer. Agreed
Maurice DOBEYN proposed as Int; Auditor. Agreed.

Governing Committee Meeting

Gate Starts
The President referred to the fact that there were no gate starts at this championship and that there were some other minor requirements of the Class which had not been met by the Championship Organisers. Steps would be taken in future to try to ensure that the organising country was well aware of the Association's requirements and would comply with them. It had been agreed at the Governing Committee Meeting that if the Cute Starts were used, the number of entrants at the World Championship could be increased to 85 boats.

Central Office Administration
Martine LALLEMAND had been appointed Office Manager to take on more of the day to day work of the International Secretary. Accordingly she would be paid for the additional time that she would spend.

Investment of the Association's Funds
The accounts disclosed that a substantial part of the Associations's reserves have been invested at what appeared to be a low rate of interest. The Treasurer was asked to see if it could be reinvested at better rates of interest.

Subscriptions to International Office
There were further discussion following John Donnelly's proposal to delegate the power of increasing the subscription to the International Executive Committee. While there was concern that Members should have the opportunity to consider exactly how much more they were going to pay and to decide matters on which they wanted to spend the additional money, the financial needs of the Association were uncertain and the Meeting nevertheless resolved by a large majority to accept the proposition.

Benelux Countries
These have decided to form their own 505 Association. Official enquiry should be sent to the International Office with name and address of the Officers.

There being no further business, the Meeting Closed.

Alain LALLEMAND Int. Secretary