Minutes of the Annual General Meeting held at Townsville Sailing Club. Australia. on Wednesday 17th, April 1996.



    The minutes had been distributed to National Secretaries and to all competitors. No matters relating to the accuracy of the minutes had been raised. They were adopted unanimously on a proposal from Dean Williams (AUS) and seconded by Andrew Hewson (AUS).

    There were no matters arising.

    Pip opened the meeting and thanked all present for attending , he expressed his thanks to all the sponsors and members of Townsville Sailing Club for the hospitality given to all the competitors and their families.

    Pip said he was concerned at the large lead bricks being glassed in some of the new boats, however this should change this year as the rule change regarding correctors was approved by postal ballot and was effective from 1st April 1996, this championship was governed by the 1995 Class Rules.


    I too would add my thanks to Townsville for the welcome they have shown to all the visitors to these championships.

    Peter Danby our Treasurer has resigned due to pressure from his photography business and has found us a replacement. Steve Burwood an accountant who sails a 505 at Grafham Water.

    The IRC chairman Jack Edwards has decided to resign as has John Donnelly. Rob Napier has taken over as Chairman.

    1994 we had 1200 paid up members.

    At the 31st Dec 1995 we had received subs from only 7 Countries for 1995.

    Outstanding Countries are :- Zimbabwe, Hong Kong, E.Africa, Japan, Germany, United Kingdom, Canada, Australia and Switzerland.

    In 1995 42 new boats were registered. All this represents a reduction on the previous year. Whilst we are managing to keep the support of the committed 505 sailor , we are not encouraging many new sailors from the union classes.

    Last year we produced a new Rule Book covering all aspect of the 505, measurement, racing and championships etc..

    This was mailed where possible direct to all boat owners. The names and addresses on labels came from the majority of the National Secretaries.

    The total cost of printing and distribution was 3450 or approx. 3 a member, when you only pay the International Office 5 a year, this leaves little for general running of the Class.

    The financial report will show a profit on the year, however there was 1643 profit from the European event in Holland the previous year and 520 category B entry fees at the 1995 Worlds. 8 boats paid for advertising on their boats at the championship.

    Finally I have decided to retire next year at Gilleleje, this will allow time for a replacement to be announced at the 1997 AGM. I have enjoyed working for the Class since 1985 and it will leave a big hole in my life. I started sailing a 505 in 1965 and have been involved with the Class organisation since 1973 and was British Secretary from 1979 till 1989. I became International Sec. after Mike Nott in 1985.

    At this time, Pip thanked Les and Janet for their continued hard work for the Association.


    The 1995 accounts were distributed to members present. They show a profit of 1462 following a profit of 2445 in 1994. these figure were significantly influenced by the profit on the Holland European Championship. The accounts for 1994 and 1995 have been audited by Jurgen Feuerhake.

    A motion to approve the accounts was proposed by Ian Robson (GBR) and seconded by John Mc Clain (AUS) and carried unanimously.


    As there were no other nominations for the post of President, Pip Pearson was confirmed in office for a further two years.

    1997 Gilleleje, Denmark, 18th - 30th August

    Christian Barlebo showed colour slide of the area and spoke on behalf of the Danish Association and distributed brochures. A package deal has been organised to include the entry fee and accommodation in the local holiday village.

    A proposal to hold the 1998 World Championship at Hyannis, Massachusetts, East Coast of America.

    Ali Meller spoke on behalf of the American Association, and also advised that in due course information would be available on the Internet. No definite dates given, but should be early to mid September, date to be confirmed before next years meeting.

    A proposal to hold the 1999 World Championships at Quiberon, France was proposed by the French Association, over a period of 9 days either in June or July. The proposition was discussed in great detail by members present as the venue was unable to extend the period of 9 days, and a Pre-Worlds event was not possible.

    Pip asked if the French Association could establish any further information regarding the possibility of using Carnac for the Pre-Worlds.


    1996 Silvaplana, near St Moritz, Switzerland. 17th - 23rd August

    A member of the Swiss Association spoke and handed out information on the regatta . He looked forward to seeing as many European sailors as possible. There would be a maximum of 80 boats on the start line.

    A proposal to hold the 1998 European Championships at Damp, Germany, was proposed by Dietrich Scheder Bieschin on behalf of the German Association.

    Damp was on the Baltic coast north of Kiel, using the same sailing area as Kiel, this was referred to the Europeans at Silvaplana for a decision.


    The Chairman of the I.R.C. was unable to be present the report and sent his apologies. In his absence Mark Upton Brown presents the report as follows :-

    The period since the 1995 report is a short one and the activities of the committee have been confined to the final draft of the rule changes which went to Ballot in the latter part of 1995 and have been accepted by the Class.

    We have continued to consider the ways in which the attractiveness of the 505 can be maintained in the rapidly changing dinghy environment where powerful commercial interests seek to win the affections of the very same people as our class can expect to attract. I sincerely believe that the future course we have pointed out to the Class, progressive rule simplification, cautious and progressive reduction of all-up weight and an open mind to new materials and building techniques will serve us and those vital friends of the class, our builders well into the 21st century.

    It is now nearly thirty years since the IRC was formed to be custodians of the Class's rules. Initially the measurement rules were the principal concern and battles were fought to maintain the shape of the hull, the principle of the rotating centreboard and the longevity of the hulls and spars. Latterly the Constitution and the standardisation of regatta conditions have exercised our minds.

    Throughout most of this time, 27 years to be precise, John Donnelly has served on the IRC. As a lawyer his drafting skill and powers of interpretation have been invaluable in all our deliberations and he has ensured that our text have been developed after the most careful study of earlier versions of the documents under review and wide ranging comparison with the equivalent publications of other similar classes.

    John feels that it is time for other hands to fashion the class's future now and he has offered his resignation to the British Association to be effective from the Townsville Worlds. On behalf of the whole Class world-wide I offer him our heartfelt thanks for long and loyal service to the cause of enhancing the strength and reputation of the 505.

    Valerie Provoost, better known to all of you as Val May, has also decided that the time has come to hand over her responsibilities as our International Measurer, a duty she has fulfilled with great distinction since the death of the class's first international measurer, Ted May, whom she had helped to establish the standards of measurement we so badly needed and whose tradition she has so splendidly nurtured and developed since he died.

    Val has been a great source of strength an inspiration since she took up the task, never frightened to think the unthinkable, and explain why we should not only take her seriously, but do something about it. I thank her too for all her loyalty, support and tremendous hard work on behalf of the IRC in particular and the Class as a whole.

    Finally, at the age of sixty two I have decided that I am no longer near enough to the front of the International fleet to be confident that I have the sentiments of the class clearly in my thoughts. I have seen too many classes administered by boring old men who, in some cases do not even sail in the boat any more. This is not for me. I had hoped to go out with a half-decent result at Mounts Bay, but it was not to be and business pressures prevent my coming to Townsville.

    So after 14 years in the chair it seems to me it is time for a change. I have therefore tendered my resignation to the British Association and recommended to them that Rob Napier should succeed me as Chairman. Rob has the experience, sailing skill and engineering knowledge to make an outstanding Chairman and I hope the British Association will endorse my suggestion.

    believe that we leave the class and the boat in the best of condition and that the success of Mounts Bay Worlds shows we are more than a match for the new inventions.

    I wish you all continued success and happiness sailing the best dinghy in the world and hope not to lose touch with my many 505 friend in so many Countries.

    Au revoir. Jack Edwards.

    Mark answered members questions relating to the report .

    Pip responded to the report from the IRC distributed at the meeting regarding the comments from the British Association after the Worlds at Mounts Bay 1995.

    The IRC proposed three minor rule changes:-

    1. Items C5.2.7 , C5.2.8 and C5.2.12 be deleted from the Championship Rules.

      The majority of members present felt that were important to all members who used containers to transport their boats to championships. Priority of sponsors money should be used to fulfill Rule C5.2.7 and C5.2.8. and that they should be retained. These consideration must be taken into account when awarding Championship venues.

      Rule C5.2.12 could be deleted. This was approved by a large majority.

    2. Add new clause C11.3 after Clause 11.2 as follows :-
      "11.3 Change of Sailing Instructions. When a change of sailing instructions is deemed necessary the wording of such a change shall be approved in writing by the Jury Chairman, the Chairman of the Race Committee, the President of the International 505 Class Association or his nominee and by the Class Liaison Officer for the Regatta."

      An addition to the note at the start of Class Rules section D the Championship Standard Sailing Instructions is also proposed

      Add a second sentence as follows:-

      "attention is drawn to the provision of Class Rule C11.0 Sailing Instruction."

      Ali Meller (USA) proposed that we accept the new clause 11.3 to Class Rule 11 .0 Sailing Instruction this was seconded by Dave Porter (AUS), and was carried unanimously.

    3. IRC proposes the following change to Class Rule C8.1 delete from "only in extreme circumstances" to the end of rule 8.1

      Insert instead, "if only one race is lost for any reason it shall be abandoned. Upon the loss of a second race the Race Committee shall endeavour to maintain the programme minus one race by scheduling two races as soon as is reasonable on subsequent days until the programme minus one race has been recovered, if possible. Only one race shall be sailed on the final day unless at the start of the final day's racing only one race has been completed."

      Class Rule D16.2 shall be amended as follows:- delete the words "on the spare day prescribed in the programme or"

      Insert instead "providing it is not the first postponed or abandoned race".

      Ali Meller proposed that an amendment be added to proposed changes to Class Rule 8.1 That under no circumstances shall more than two races be sailed on any day, this was seconded by Malcolm Page (AUS), with this amendment added Changes to Class Rule C8.1 was agreed by a large majority.

  9. 4 Proposals from the German Association for discussion

    1. All future proposals that go to ballot shall be published in a way that allows separate voting for every single proposed point. This was agreed by the members present.
    2. Minimum hull weight of the 505 . This was agreed by ballot and became effective 1st April 1996.
    3. The minimum sailing weight of the 505 shall be reduced in 2 steps.

      to 124kg by January 1998

      to 120kg by January 2000

      This was again discussed at great length with the same arguments for and against as at the AGM at Mounts Bay. This proposal was defeated 12 for and 38 against.


    Les Everitt show the meeting a draft copy of the first issue of the International Magazine, which was being printed and would be sent to all member over the next few weeks. To print an annual magazine we will need the co-operation of all members worldwide, please sent all articles however small to the International Office.

    Thanks to Ali for all his work on the Internet, the 505 Class received the IYRU February award for best web site.

  11. A.O.B.

    Ali Meller outlined the Evaluation Trials for the Sydney Olympics. The 505 Class has made preliminary application to be considered for a place at the trials. This meeting has to confirm that it is the wishes of the Class that we continue.

    After considerable discussion the members present recommended that we attend the trials for the publicity exposure, but some members were not to sure about a full Olympic campaign.

    Johan Arvedson express reservations about the tally system used in Townsville and asked the IRC to consider a standard system for all Championships.

    Following the IYRU's proposal to ban weight jackets, the meeting heard many arguments for and against.

    Jeff Holden said that if weight jackets were to be worn they should be declared at measurement and use at all times when racing.

    Nigel Milln said there was considerable concern regarding light weight regatta specials being for the championship. However after this championship all boats would have to place all the lead at designated place as in our rules.

    The meeting suggest that we should consider a maximum weight for centreboard, rudders, mast and boom.

    Australia recommended that the Class should have a minimum production weight of 87Kgs.

    APRIL 1996
    Les Everitt
    International Secretary