Proposed Changes To Constitution - Agenda Item 8(a)

Amend existing Rules as follows:

7.0 Officers of the International Association


7.1 The officers, whose terms of office shall commence on 1 January, shall be:

7.1.1 an International President,

an International Vice President,

an International Secretary,

an International Treasurer, who shall reside in the same country as the International Secretary,

a Chairman of the International Rules Committee.

7.1.2 All Officers shall be elected for a term of two years. The President and Vice President shall be elected in years of even number, the remaining officers in years of odd number.


7.5 An Auditor shall be appointed by the Association at each Annual General Meeting and shall audit the annual accounts of the Association. The International Treasurer shall complete the draft accounts and arrange for these to be forwarded to the Auditor as soon as possible after the end of each year, together with any records and receipts requested by the Auditor On completion of the Audit the International Secretary shall immediately send copies to all Members of the IGC and the National Secretaries. The Treasurer shall arrange for presentation of the audited accounts to the next Annual General Meeting of the International Association.



9.0 International Committees

9.1 International Governing Committee ('IGC")

9.1.1 This Committee shall consist of the International Officers and a representative of each National Association.

9.2 International Executive Committee ("IEC");

9.2.1 This committee shall consist of the five Officers elected or appointed in accordance with Rule 7.

9.2.2 Under delegated Authority from the IGC the IEC shall be responsible for the management of the International Office, the issue of sail numbers and the registration of boats.

9.2.3 Meetings shall be held upon giving of not less than seven days notice in writing.

9.2.4 The Committee may delegate its powers to any one or more of its members, or co opt any other Member..

9.3 International Rules Sub Committee ("IRC")

9.3.1 This Sub Committee shall consist of the Chairman elected or appointed under Rule 7.1.3 and four other Members whose appointment shall be confirmed by the IGC



Insert additional Rule:

11.3 No ballot may be held within three years of a previous ballot on the same or a substantially similar proposal


Amend existing Rule:

14.3.2 The amount of any change in the annual subscription shall be determined by IEC and ratified by Members at the Annual General Meeting.

Note: the present rule is inconsistent with 4.1.3 and


Proposed Change to The Championship Rules - Agenda Item 8(b)

Replace existing Rules 4.2 & 4.3

4.2 Championships shall be open to all eligible competitors, subject to the Organising Authority having the right to determine the maximum number of entries. If the Organising Authority wishes to stipulate a maximum number of entries, this must be stated when it makes its initial application and be included in the Notice of Race. In the event of a maximum number being stipulated, places shall be allocated in accordance with the procedure in Rule 4.3.

4.3 Entries will be allocated by the IEC to each National Association in accordance with the ratio of the average number of Member�s subscriptions paid by that Association for the two years preceding the Championship to the average total Membership of the International Association over the same period.. Individual Members representing in good faith any nation which does not have a National Association may be allocated an entry at the discretion of the IEC, not exceeding one entry per nation. In determining the number of places for allocation, one entry shall be reserved for each International Officer, subject to the payment of the prescribed entry fee.

4.4 Any entries allocated to a National Association but not taken up three months before the start of the Championship may be reallocated by the Organising Authority in conjunction with the IEC. The reallocation shall have regard to all Members who wish to enter and , as far as possible, shall be made proportionately to the original allocation.

Proposed Changes to Measurement Rules - Agenda Item 8(c)

Rule 8.1.1 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.1.1 Sails shall be made and measured in accordance with the ISAF Equipment Rules of Sailing and comply with their requirements. In the event of conflict with these Class Rules, the Class Rules shall prevail.

Rule 8.1.5 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.1.5 Sail reinforcement is not restricted.


Rule 8.2.2 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.2.2 The luff and the foot of the mainsail shall be secured to the mast and boom respectively over at least 80 per cent of their lengths.

Rule 8.2.3 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.2.3 The following dimensions, including boltropes where fitted, shall not be exceeded:

1 1145mm minus 25mm. To be confirmed after research at Hyannis

2 1961mm minus 11mm.


Rule 8.3.1 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.3.1 The headsail shall conform with the official rules and diagrams, except that a sail smaller in any dimension is allowed.

Rule 8.3.2 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.3.2 The leech from the aft head point to the clew point shall be a straight line or concave curve.

Rule 8.3.3 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.3.3 The following dimensions shall not be exceeded:

3 4573 minus 48 mm.

4 4040 minus 40 mm.

5 Possibly 40mm. To be confirmed after research at Hyannis


Rules 8.4.2 and 8.4.3 to be deleted and replaced with:

8.4.2 The following dimensions shall not be exceeded:

8.4.3 The half width shall be not less than 75% of the greater of the foot length and the quarter width.

Corresponding changes to be made to the "Instructions to Measurers"


Proposed Change to The Championship Rules - Agenda Item 8(d)

Delete existing 5.7 and replace with following:

5.7 A yacht which displays a Category B advertisement shall pay an additional fee of �100 (One hundred pounds sterling), such sum being subject to annual review by the IEC. The Organising Authority shall retain half of the additional fee collected under this rule and allocate it to the Championship budget for the general benefit of all competitors. It shall forward the balance of the fee to the International Office.